ArcelorMittal South Africa
Enterprise And Supplier Development Programme
Version 2024.06.12   ( 16:48 )

Enterprise Development Programme Application

1. Enterprise Information

Enterprise Name: *
Applicant's Full Names and Surname: *
General Business Email Address: *
Business Mobile Number: *
Business Telephone Number: *
Business Fax Number:
Company Physical Address: *
Are your operations located within 50kM radius from ArcelorMittal Site?:
What is the main Product/Service of your business? *
Do you procure any goods or services from Arcelormittal South Africa?
What is the company vision?: *
Detailed company description: *
Preferred method of communication:

2. Company Registration Information

Registered Company Name: *
Company Registration Number: *
Company Type: *
Company Trading Name: *
How long has the company been in operation (Years)? *
Holding Company Name (if applicable):
Is Your Company Registered for VAT?
What is Your Annual Turnover (R): *
Please Add Company Directors: Edit   *
Please indicate whether any Shareholder, Director, or immidiate family are Arcelormittal Employees?:

3. Operations Information

Total Full Time Employees: *
Total Part Time Employees: *
What is your current steel consumption? (Tons/year): *
What is your annual production capacity (Steel only) (tons/year)? : *
Do you operate from an Office Building/Factory/Residence/Yard/Warehouse/Workshop? *
Please select the type of input steel material you use: Edit   *
Please enter your products: Edit   *

4. B-BBEE Information

Does your company have a B-BBEE Certificate?
B-BBEE Level Contributor:
Black ownership %? (Enter between 0 - 100): *
Woman ownership %? (Enter between 0 - 100): *
Persons with disability ownership%? (Enter between 0 - 100): *
BBBEE verification certificate:

Certified Company Registration Certificate:

Holding Company Regsitration Certificate:

Letter of Good Standing (Labour):

Proof of Physical Address:

Tax Clearance Certificate:

5. Assistance Required

How do you think ArcelorMittal SA can be of assistance to you? *
Should AMSA assist you, what will be your potential steel demand (tons/year) ? *
I read and agree to the Privacy Policy.
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